It will automatically change the files into JPGs and you change another. JPGīut if you have the RAW file, it will be hard, because you don't know which one is the JPG/RAW file. If your images are all JPEG, you can just change the. You will find many files with FILE00XXX.CHK format. Copy all files inside DCIM folder to your PC It will say that it's being repaired, after thatĥ. On the open box type -> chkdsk (space) : (space) /fĮxample (your sdcard is on drive K -> chkdsk k: /fĤ. I didn't bring my laptop to try open it from mac. We can still see the DCIM and VIDEO folder but inside DCIM, the images were converted to unknown 3 files and one of them was 'USBC◘╧è◘' the unreadable characters are shaped like a gun.:tongue: Our datas were definitely corrupted.Īfter several hours, yes, the data were corrupted. Suddenly the power went off and we were shocked. It was raining very hard and we transferred our photos from the sdcard to PC.
2 days ago I went to another cities and had some fun with my friend.