NET in a single datafile - and now it's on new version 4.0.
This article is an overview about my database project LiteDB - a small, fast and free embedded. The following services are enumerated by the script: - Active Directory Global Catalog - Exchange Autodiscovery - Kerberos KDC Service - Kerberos Passwd Change Service - LDAP Servers - SIP Servers - XMPP S2S - XMPP C2S.the enum constant with the specified name Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name NullPointerException - if the argument is null getValue public String getValue() Returns: the String representation of the read concern level that the MongoDB server understands fromStringIntroduction. The service records contain the hostname, port and priority of servers for a given service. Thus our initial analysis of the problem is that although this is a shortcoming of the current known. The validationLevel option determines which operations MongoDB applies the validation rules: If the validationLevel is strict (the default), MongoDB applies validation rules to all inserts and updates.The default enum serializer uses an int32 representation - which although it is the incorrect serializer for a true int32 from a conceptual standpoint - the resulting representation will be identical the BSON document will contain an int32.